U heeft gekozen voor een armlift. U heeft deze beslissing ongetwijfeld niet lichtzinnig genomen en aanvaardt de risico’s die elke chirurgische ingreep met zich meebrengt. Onze artsen en medewerkers zullen u met de beste zorg omringen en er alles aan doen om het u zo aangenaam mogelijk te maken.
Wij kunnen ons voorstellen dat u het prettig vindt om alle informatie over de ingreep nog eens rustig na te lezen. In deze informatiefolder zetten we alle nuttige en praktische informatie voor u op een rij. Daarnaast geven wij u adviezen over de nazorg. Deze adviezen zijn algemeen; Dr Pirayesh kan hier in individuele gevallen van afwijken en aanvullende adviezen geven. Heeft u vragen of maakt u zich zorgen? U mag ons altijd bellen. Wij zijn bereikbaar op de volgende telefoonnummers:
Tijdens kantooruren 9.00-17.00: +31(0)20 577 1277
Buiten kantooruren: +31(0)6 542 777 05
01/ Voor de operatie
To undergo arm lift surgery, you must be in good health. It is vital that you do not smoke for at least four weeks before and four weeks after surgery
You must not drink alcohol or take blood-thinning medicine (including supplements such as vitamin E and fish oil) ten days before and ten days after surgery (paracetamol is fine)
You must not eat or drink anything from midnight before your surgery. A single sip of water is fine
We recommend that you take at least one week off work
Make sure you have enough paracetamol and ibuprofen at home for the recovery period
We recommend taking zinc and arnica supplements one week before and after surgery to reduce swelling and bruising of the surgical area
02/ Tijdens de operatie
During the consultation or the day before your surgery, Prof. Dr Pirayesh will take pictures of your arms and mark the excess skin. In addition, photos are taken for your medical file
A specialist anesthesiologist and his team will administer a light, general anaesthetic through an IV in your hand or arm. You will be monitored closely throughout surgery, and the team will ensure you are comfortable and safe.
The anesthesiologist will discuss the type of anaesthesia with you before surgery and answer any questions you may have -
Excess skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue are removed through a Kris-shaped incision in the armpit along the inside of the arm up to the elbow
After this, the small blood vessels are thermally sealed, after which the various skin layers are closed with small sutures
Surgical tape is used to protect the wound seam
Drains are placed to remove any excess blood or fluid that may be left after surgery
You leave the operating room dressed in a compression garment: a long-sleeved vest
Under the supervision and care of Prof. Dr Pirayesh and his team, you will remain comfortable in our surgical clinic for a few hours until you can go home. You need to be picked up or taken home by taxi; you cannot drive yourself
03/ De periode na de operatie
Swelling and discoloration may occur during the first 48 hours after surgery, usually lasting seven to ten days
You may have an elevated temperature during this time. This is not a problem as long as it stays below 38.5°C
After one day, the drains are removed if the fluid production is less than 30 ml/24 hours or if Dr Pirayesh decides otherwise. If the drain fills up quickly, please get in touch with us. It is possible that some moisture is still leaking from the drain entrance; this is typically not painful
After a week, the stitches and surgical tape are removed
After the second check-up appointment, you will receive a special scar care cream
The scars will be a little red and bumpy for the first few weeks. The skin needs time to heal. The skin around the scar may also be numb. After a few weeks, the sensation will return
04/ Neem contact met ons op als:
You develop a fever above 38.5°C
The treated area on one side feels excessively red and painful
The swelling and pain do not noticeably decrease after taking paracetamol and ibuprofen
In case of persistent bleeding (it is normal for some pink fluid to leak out)
05/ Niet doen
You should not exert yourself too much, exercise, bend, lift or bend your arms
During the first month, you should refrain from exercising your arms or playing contact sports under any circumstances
You must not take any blood-thinning medication such as aspirin (including vitamin E or fish oil supplements) for ten days after the procedure (paracetamol is allowed), unless indicated otherwise
Do not drink alcohol for the first ten days after surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding
Important: do not smoke for the first four weeks after your surgery - every cigarette stops the blood supply (nutrients!) and therefore healing
It is important that you do not place the drain under your body when sleeping; put it on a bedside table or beside you in bed
You must not take a bath until the stitches have been removed
Your car insurance prohibits you from driving yourself during the first two weeks after surgery
It is better to avoid the sun and solarium for the first two weeks
The entire recovery period usually takes about six weeks; during this period, you should refrain from heavy lifting, housework, or using sunbeds or sauna
06/ Wel doen
You will need to rest for a few days after surgery
When you return home after surgery, take easily digestible foods such as water, tea and rusks
You must leave the tape and sutures intact
For optimal healing and minimal risk of infections, it is important that you adhere to the medication prescription of the anesthesiologist. You will receive a prescription for antibiotics and a suggestion for pain relief and stomach protection, which you can pick up without a prescription
Make sure you get enough exercise every day: walk a few laps around your house every now and then
You may sleep in any position that is comfortable for you
The day after your surgery, you may take a short, supervised, warm (not hot) shower, taking care that the wounds don’t get too wet
After two weeks you may gently bend your arms again
After two to four weeks, you may fly (after the stitches have been removed). To reduce the risk of thrombosis and blood clots, you must wear your compression garment, you must not pull along, carry or lift suitcases, and you must get up every hour to walk around a bit
As a rule, you will be able to resume your normal activities within a month
After a month you can slowly resume exercising
07/ Pain relief
As a rule, it is sufficient to take 1,000 mg paracetamol four times a day and if necessary 400 mg ibuprofen three times a day, combined with a gastric protector. We will provide you with a pain relief schedule after surgery. We strongly advise you to conscientiously take your pain medication during the first week after surgery, whether you experience pain or not. After the first week, you can ease off the medication, depending on the pain you are experiencing
08/ Wound care
You must leave the tape and sutures intact. After the stitches have been removed by us one week after your surgery, we will reapply surgical tape on your wounds, which we will remove after one week
You must apply the Alhydran scar cream we will provide you with on your scars 3 times a day
After four weeks we will start the Laser Scar Care treatments developed by Dr. Pirayesh, which is included in your treatment plan
09/ Complications
Rare: fluid retention, infections, a widened scar
10/ Results
An arm lift gives a beautiful contour to the upper arms and is a rewarding procedure for patients with excess skin after major weight loss. However, the long scars on the inside of your arms should not be underestimated. For best results, do not smoke and protect your scars, especially the first year, with SPF 30
11/ Scars
After a few months, your scars will have faded, but will remain visible. Dr Pirayesh has developed a program, APS Scar Care, including aloe vera-based creams, laser treatments, and (if necessary) injections to ensure that your scars heal in the best possible way
Dr Pirayesh kan u adviseren om na uw operatie verschillende lymfedrainage behandelingen te ondergaan. Deze zijn nodig om de na de operatie verstoorde lymfevaten te stimuleren en de afvoer van opgehoopt vocht te versnellen. Deze behandelingen worden in onze kliniek gegeven door een massagetherapeut die gespecialiseerd is in lymfedrainage behandelingen.
Mocht u verder van onze kliniek wonen, dan kunnen wij een specialist aanbevelen, of u kunt er een in uw omgeving vinden - de therapeut moet ervaring hebben met lymfedrainage na een operatie. Wij adviseren de eerste twee weken driemaal per week lymfedrainage massage, en deze daarna (afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid vochtophoping) terug te brengen naar tweemaal en dan eenmaal per week. De meeste patiënten hebben na een maand geen lymfedrainage massage meer nodig. Dr Pirayesh geeft aan wanneer u deze massages kunt stopzetten. Deze behandelingen maken geen deel uit van uw behandelplan; ze moeten apart betaald worden. In sommige gevallen kunt u een vergoeding krijgen van uw zorg-verzekeraar.